By Tibor Shanto One question I always when helping sales teams prospect better, is “why B2B professionals don’t like to telephone … [Read more...] about There Is A Monetizable Difference Between Objections And Rejection
“Our Value Proposition is…”
By Tibor Shanto Frankly, who cares? Your prospects sure don’t! No, seriously! Some of your customers maybe; your competitors – when it … [Read more...] about “Our Value Proposition is…”
Rejection In Context With Success
By Tibor Shanto One of the hardest things to face in life is rejection. It is not a flaw, but a strength. Without turning this into … [Read more...] about Rejection In Context With Success
Scarcity in handling objections
By Tibor Shanto There are certain primal triggers that are almost universal in the western world. Salespeople all know the old saying … [Read more...] about Scarcity in handling objections
Sales Scrum Episode #24 – Guest Duane Tough
Sales Scrum Episode #24 – Guest Duane Tough Duane Tough is A Payments Architect (Founder of PBATM, PBCASH, and ZIPPY.CASH). Duane designs and … [Read more...] about Sales Scrum Episode #24 – Guest Duane Tough
Sunday Is Crucial To Prospecting Success
By Tibor Shanto I know it sounds odd, who the hell can you reach on Sunday? Not the right question, reaching someone is a single point on a … [Read more...] about Sunday Is Crucial To Prospecting Success