For those that have parachuted into this blog from Google, this is part of a series of posts about how to save your sales job. This first batch of ten … [Read more...] about Know thy products
Google thyself!
When you send a prospect an email or leave them a voicemail what do many of them do? They Google you (as well as your company.) As you know, buyers … [Read more...] about Google thyself!
Dust off some CRM records
This post is about an interesting place you can look for “suspects” when you are prospecting. This is a place that is super-obvious, but … [Read more...] about Dust off some CRM records
A map that might save your sales job
Congrats you have a brand-new “greenfield” sales territory! Unlimited opportunity, untouched accounts, no other reps vying for your … [Read more...] about A map that might save your sales job
Prospecting goggles
Don’t sell to anybody. OK, I mean don’t sell to just anybody. You really should be careful who you invite to give you their money. The … [Read more...] about Prospecting goggles