When you send a prospect an email or leave them a voicemail what do many of them do?
They Google you (as well as your company.)
As you know, buyers are seriously concerned about burning their time these days. If you happen to pique someone’s interest with your brilliant email or voicemail they are likely to vet you before they call you back and invest their precious time.
People buy from people
People buy from people. We buy from people we know, like and trust.
Linkedin’s 2017 research found that 39% of B2B buyers consider trust in the relationship with the sales person as the biggest reason to ink a deal—the #1 factor.
We really prefer buying from people than logos. There are not many logos that inspire that much love and trust these days. The chances are good that your prospect has never even heard of your company anyway.
Buyers want to hold you accountable. They