Congrats you have a brand-new “greenfield” sales territory!
Unlimited opportunity, untouched accounts, no other reps vying for your business. Not to mention our products are the most awesome thing ever invented. Boy, you are going to coin it in!
Let me translate.
Congrats, you have been dropped in the middle of a huge desert. We decided to make this more challenging by not giving you any water. Also, nobody that actually lives within 100 miles of here will give you any water. Unless you’re Bear Grylls, you’re not getting out of here alive!
The thing about getting water, and selling, is that it changes drastically when you know people.
But when you’re in a new market it feels like you’re caught between a chicken and an egg. I mean how can you get referrals when you don’t have any customers yet?
Doing some math
The answer I believe is to use all humans you know. Your friends,