In the current social and political environment, can you imagine what it must be like to be a salesperson whose job it is to sell memberships for the NRA? How about selling guns for Smith & Wesson, Glock, Colt, Sturm Ruger, or Beretta? Many of you have worked for companies that had less than desirable products and/or reputations and you know how difficult that can be. But how bad might it be for those salespeople when so much of the nation is demonizing their company, organization and/or products?
It was an awful week for stunned people around the USA and an unimaginable tragedy for parents of the 17 students who were killed in the most recent shooting rampage.
Going off my Blog topic for two paragraphs, allow me to warn you that this article will be very controversial and many people will hate it and/or me. I don’t like