By Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing
In almost 11 years of running Heinz Marketing, we’ve had to fire 4 clients. I’m not happy about or proud of any of those situations, but each was the right thing to do.
As our team has heard me say many times, our values are at the heart of this organization – and we look for clients and partners who align with them as well.
We don’t always agree with a client’s opinion, and they certainly don’t always agree with ours. And amidst the pressure-cooker of getting work done, things can get hectic, stressful and intense.
Our common values (between client and consultant) are what get us through the vast majority of those periods successfully.
Of course, our values wouldn’t mean much if we didn’t bring them to life. And the most important means of exhibiting our values is through our amazing employees. We are extremely lucky to