I don’t want you to have a Happy New Year. Shocked to hear someone who’s mission it is to help others create more joy, fulfillment and success in their lives say this? That’s because what I do want for you is to Be Happy. Here’s the truth about Having a Happy New Year and why it causes more stress, disappointment and sadness, which will paradoxically create your best, and happiest year ever!
I always pause when people say, “Have a Happy New Year.” Maybe It’s because as an author, I take words to heart and very literally. Call it an occupational hazard. However, studies actually show that telling people to, “Have a Happy New Year,” actually feels overwhelming and stressful for many people.
The Happiness Paradox
“Does that mean I ALWAYS have to be happy?” “Is being sad wrong?” “How do I always stay happy, even when I’m dealing with a painful, sad