The Pipeline Guest Post -Susan Varty
Imagine you had everything you needed to say at your fingertips. All the customized emails, personalized messages, all the marketing materials, all the product benefits, and all of the relevant articles you would love to send your prospects.
Wow. That is a dream indeed.
As a salesperson, all interactions require content. From the initial outreach to follow-up touch points, we use a wide range of tactics and approaches. We spend a lot of our days crafting the perfect content to be persuasive and engaging but is it getting results?
This is not an easy path, but content can amplify your efforts and create a continuous pipeline of meaningful conversations that can lead to more sales.
Keep in mind that only specific types of content builds rapport and trust so that people feel safe “from pitches” and want more:
Ego-driven content. Not your ego – but your prospect’s ego. What