Salespeople need a lot of content along the entire customer’s path. Where does it come from? “From marketing!” is a common response. However, marketing does not create all (!) the content salespeople need. We first asked our study participants this question in the 2016 Sales Enablement Study. We found that marketing only created 39.4% of all the content salespeople need. We asked this question again in our 2018 survey, and here are the results:
Only one-third (33.8%!) of the content, salespeople need along the entire customer’s path, comes from marketing.
Salespeople still have to create one-fifth (20.7%) of the content they need on their own. And we were specific when we asked the question: no tailoring and no customizing, we do mean content creation from scratch.
Sales enablement creates 14.3% of the content salespeople need, and product management creates a considerable amount of content (15.9%). That makes sense. Sales operations and legal