Quick! Imagine you have to come up with a catchy name for a project and website whose mission is to expose false political information online. Knowing that the name needs to be unique, memorable, intriguing to
arouse attention, and also accurately reflect the mission, what metaphor for a title comes to mind?
How about… The Nightlight Project?
Perfect,right? Something simple and relatable to describe something serious and complex.
Look at their site and the simple, but effective, visual that accompanies their mission: “The Nightlight Project seeks to shine light on dark ads used to spread political disinformation online. Dark ads, advertisements not explicitly labeled or reported as such, are a tool online advertisers use to spread disinformation and sway public opinion. Because dark ads aren’t labeled and don’t have clear attribution, it is nearly impossible to hold the bad actors behind them accountable.”
The site then offers additional information and—something I highly recommend—it lets you