What Key Performance Metrics Should Sales Managers be Held Accountable to?
Fri, 03/01/2019 – 09:09
I recently attended a sales conference where CEOs, vice presidents of sales and other sales speakers spoke about such great topics as sales enablement, sales compensation and my topic, building high-performance sales teams.
A participant asked a great question: “What key performance metrics should sales managers be held accountable to?” It was a great question because most of the presenters, including me, had focused our content on what the sales team should be doing – or not doing – to ensure sales success.
What gets measured improves. And yet, many sales managers aren’t held accountable to specific leadership and management KPIs. Too often, the only KPI being measured is a lagging indicator: achievement of the monthly/quarterly sales goal.
What aren’t measured are the sales-management activities and behaviors that CREATE consistent achievement of sales goals.
There are several sales management KPIs