By Andrea Grodnitzky, CMO at Richardson
Recent global events have accelerated the use of video-conferencing technology to conduct virtual meetings with customers. Though global circumstances have precipitated this sweeping change, it is likely that virtual selling skills will become an established and ongoing practice, even when the normal economic cycle resumes.
Virtual selling skills require a significant shift in the use of traditional selling skills to create a more engaging and connected buyer experience. People behave differently in a virtual setting in a few key ways:
They are more easily distracted.
They behave more informally.
They feel less connected.
These behaviors open the door for sales professionals to find themselves falling into unexpected traps, including:
Interruption or delays as a result of technology breakdowns
Defaulting to presenting rather than engaging clients in dialogue
Loss of rapport-building opportunities because of the mediated nature of the conversation
Dissolution of meeting structure
To avoid falling victim to these traps and ensure that your customers