First off, don’t over complicate it. Your objective is first to generate interest and then get them to return your call. That’s it! Don’t think that your goal is to answer every objective or to even motivate them to immediately buy. You’re not going to do that by leaving one voicemail. That kind of thinking will only suck the life out of you when you don’t see it happening.
Watch the video to learn more insights:
Set your expectations on not using voicemail to close the sale, but rather, using voicemail to propel the process forward. Second, understand that the voicemail, by itself, that you’re leaving will have little impact; however, when used in conjunction with other messages, it will have a big impact.
The perfect voicemail builds the person’s confidence in you. Why? Because of these 3 things: the message is short, of interest to the person listening and spoken with confidence.