You have been calling all your clients with an empathetic “check-in” to see how they are doing. You’ve been pleasantly pleased that it’s easier to speak to clients live and they are appreciative of your call showing care for them and their families. You’ve been brave and even called customers you haven’t spoken to in several years.
Now what? Do you call them again and check-in? Or do you call to seek sales, as you’re getting pressure to change the declining sales numbers?
For some, this is becoming an ethical dilemma.
How can you prevent your team from inappropriately “Selling Too Soon”?
For some, this is becoming an ethical dilemma: how can you prevent your team from inappropriately “Selling Too Soon”?Click To Tweet
The PURPOSE Consultative framework provides a step by step process to show care, build trust, and simply ask questions to pivot the conversation about how COVID19 is impacting their business.
It will guide you