Based on the results of our 2019 World-Class Sales Practices Study, channel consistency — consistency for the buyer across various channels, to be precise — is a hot topic. The related practice, “Customers have consistently positive interactions in every channel they use to engage with us,” is one of the Top 12 practices that has the biggest impact on sales performance and productivity metrics such as win rates, quota attainment, revenue plan attainment and turnover rates.
For this channel consistency practice, 89% of the World-Class segment reported consistently and collectively applying this practice, compared to only 36% of all study participants. Click here to learn more about the high-performing World-Class segment that represents only 9% of our study participants.
Ensuring customers have consistently positive interactions with every touchpoint they use to engage with your organization requires a cross-functional strategy. (click to tweet)
It’s common for buyers to connect and engage with salespeople and their