Referrals are HOT, HOT, HOT!
Stop rationalizing. There’s no such thing as a warm anything in sales—an email, phone call, social media outreach, or even a knock on the door. Unless your prospect knows who you are and expects to hear from you, you might as well step into a freezer. Your outreach is cold as ice.
Reps fool themselves into believing that they’re not sending cold emails or making cold calls because they’ve researched their prospects and sent emails with catchy subject lines about why buyers should talk to them. Brrr. I’m cold just thinking about it.
It’s the same on LinkedIn. Just because someone you know is connected to your prospect, doesn’t mean they actually know each other. Even if they do know each other, name dropping is not the same thing as having a referral.
However, when you receive a referral introduction from someone your prospect knows and trusts, your lead