It turns out there really is power in a thank-you note.
A thank you goes a long way—thanks for your referrals, thanks for new business, thanks for the meeting. It’s not just a way to show gratitude. It’s also a great excuse for sales follow-up—a reason to connect with clients and prospects, to stay in touch with referral sources, and to deepen relationships with your overall business network.
When clients ask if they should send a note, make a call, or send an email to say thanks for referrals, I answer “yes.” You can never thank someone enough. Thank people in any of those ways, or better yet, in all of them. Just make sure you follow up.
Thank-You Notes Are Not Passe
There is something extra special about a handwritten thank-you note. What letters do you look at first—the rare handwritten card or the electric bill?
Writing thank-you notes is not old-fashioned, or fuddy-duddy,