By Joshua Baez, Engagement Manager at Heinz Marketing
We’re all busy. There’s no denying that. And in our line of work (that work being marketing, and even more specifically, agency marketing), being busy just comes with the job. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the first of the month or last of the month. Whether it’s the start or end of a quarter. Whether it’s morning, noon, or night. Because no matter what time it is, there are always more emails to send; more ads to design; more strategies to write; more production schedules to check; more this and more that and more this and more that and— well, before you know it, the workday’s over and it’s time to go home.
Well, not really.
Because, as many of us are all too familiar with, even though you’re home, you’re definitely still working.
Technology just makes working from home so dang easy. No matter where