By Tibor Shanto
Sales cycles are no strangers to cyclicality and seasonal swings. “Summer shutdowns”, retooling, Christmas, and of course summer. There is no denying that summer brings a different rhythm and energy to sales. Vacations, kids out of school, longer sunnier days (where did I put that beer?), these are but a few contributing factors. Having gone through the cycle a number of times, you do see that while some of it seasonal, a good part of the reality sellers experience is a result of tribal or sales culture. But as with many folk myths, they are not always grounded in facts. Spoiler alert: not all decision makers go on vacation the same week, nor do the influencers.
No, It Can’t Wait
While on the surface some of the reasoning presented by prospects (and often accepted at face value by some reps), may sound reasonable, they’re not. When looked at in the cold