Did your sales fizzle during the past 90 days? Now is the time to add a Summer Sizzle Prospecting Blitz to grow your business!
Yes, we all want to enjoy the great weather as lockdowns are finally easing up. Summer is the time to be enjoying the beautiful weather, taking holidays, and spending time with family and friends. It can be easy to put prospecting on the back-burner when there are so many other (more enjoyable) things that you could be doing! That said, this Summer is NOT the time to procrastinate, with spring 2020 being impacted by Covid. We need all Salespeople on deck (no, not the boat kind) to turn this economy around and set up a stronger next 90 days to create a booming 2021.
We all know that prospecting can be hard, tedious, and sometimes even discouraging – making for the perfect “procrastination-storm”. I’ve been there! I