When it comes to goal attainment, you probably heard the expression, “Keep your eyes on the prize” and “Begin with the end in mind.” But what if this is exactly the very advice to avoid that will prevent you from achieving the goals you want?
A young man wanted to become the most famous martial artist. He sought out a teacher; a sensei of the martial arts. After traveling a great distance, he arrived at the dojo of one of the most esteemed masters.
Upon meeting him, he said, “I wish to become the best martial artist in the land. How long must I study?”
“Ten years,” the master replied.
“What if I studied twice as hard as all of your other students?”
“Twenty years,” the master said.
“What if I practiced every day & night?”
“Thirty years.”
The young man was getting impatient. With great frustration, he said, “I don’t understand. Every time I say I’ll work