Welcome back to the new Modern Seller video series. Each week, I’m sharing strategies that you can put into practice as either a sales professional or sales leader. The series is a great companion to the book, The Modern Seller, which is available on Amazon and Audible. In previous videos, I covered sales agility and entrepreneurial selling.
Now, we’re delving into how modern sellers are social. And today’s video looks at goal setting in that context. Goal setting is part of the Social Framework that I introduced in the book. Social goals have an element that makes them stand out: significance. Significance to you personally, and significance beyond you. For your clients, your organization, or your community.
Any significant goal requires relationships—and significant goals separate modern sellers from average sellers. With this lens, modern sellers not only achieve this year’s quota, they also create an environment where they have momentum for the long-term.
To help spark your goal