Meridith Elliott Powell: Welcome to Sales Logic. The show where we dive into the strategies, share the tips, everything that you need to know to sell logically. I’m Meridith Elliott Powell, and I am here with my cohost Mark Hunter.
Mark Hunter: Hey, good afternoon, Meridith. It’s great to be with you. And don’t you always love Darryl Praill’s voice with VanillaSoft. There is energy in that voice, so thank you, VanillaSoft for being one of our sponsors, very much appreciate it.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Yeah, we love having them on board, really incredible company. And Darryl’s a really incredible guy.
Mark Hunter: We got a lot of good stuff planned today, man. We’ve got a great question that came in from South Africa.
I love that. We’ve got a great topic. We got a lightning round and of course we’ve added that fourth piece where we talk about a book. So we need