Sales Organizations: Are You Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth is?
Wed, 02/06/2019 – 15:07
When you say you want someone to put their money where their mouth is, it means you want them to spend money to improve a bad situation, instead of just talking about doing so. Sales organizations: Are you just talking about developing your young sales professionals or are you investing money and time into doing so?
Young sales professionals are your company’s future. The boomers are retiring or slowing down. Sales development today sets you up for future sales growth.
One of my clients, Gallagher, is a great example of putting your money where your mouth is. The company has an incredible intern program that attracts over 400 new, young recruits annually. The company hires many of them upon college graduation, approximately 60%. And instead of enrolling them in a “sink or swim” sales program, Gallagher provides