Meridith Elliott Powell: Alright, welcome to Sales Logic. The show where we dive into the strategies we cover the subjects we get specific on the topics you need to make sales easy, effective, and well, logical. I’m Meridith Elliott Powell, and I am here with my cohost-
Mark Hunter: Mark Hunter, the Sales Hunter, good afternoon, Meridith.
Meridith Elliott Powell: Good afternoon. We got a good show today. What, tell us a little bit about some things that we’re going to cover Mark.
Mark Hunter: Well, we’re going to be talking about this whole virtual selling thing. We’ve got a long question that came in about this great topic. We got a lightening round and man, it’s kind of a virtual world we live in, but we’ll get through it and you know what? We’re learning a lot.
Meridith Elliott Powell: We are so basically for anybody who’s new, this is the way that