Effective prospecting can be summed up in three words. I refer to them as the 3 traits you need to have if you want to be successful at prospecting. The 3 traits are:
· Persistence
· Attitude
· Process
I call this “PAP.” Whenever I see someone consistently living out these traits, they are always successful.
The first trait is persistence. If you’re not 100% committed to making prospecting a necessary action – something you have to do – then you can kiss it goodbye, and you will need to be happy with the business that simply comes your way. The object that describes this kind of person, that lacks persistence, is a “rain barrel” because that’s all you are. If it falls in your lap great, and if you have to go get it, forget it.
Persistence means prospecting when you don’t want to or when you’d rather be doing easier, more enjoyable things. If