By Julianna House & Lauren Dichter, Spring Interns – Heinz Marketing Inc.
There is a vast difference between simply blogging in your free time and writing a business blog. You don’t need any prior experience to write a blog, but in order to have an effective business blog, it must drive current and prospective customers, create added value, and incorporate useful content.
You don’t need to be a professional writer to have successful B2B blog, but you must be able to write clearly and provide valuable content. Should some bloggers re-read their work, and perhaps make more liberal use of the spell-check? Yes. However, blogging today has created an outlet for breakthrough ideas that may have gone unnoticed, or even worse – unspoken in the past.
The whole purpose of the blogosphere is for the average person to have an outlet for his or her ideas, feelings, musings, or commentary. I believe strongly