I read an article the other day, well it wasn’t an article, it was a bit of banter on LinkedIn, and a question was posed as to why only 20% of salespeople make quota. And seriously, the answers that came back and who they came back from, caused me some concern.
And for a couple of reasons:
1. Because they were from sales leaders and
2. Because they were from salespeople.
There is a saying many of us have heard, that a ‘bad workman blames his tools’ and that was what I was seeing in reading some of the answers so I split the answers out into two lists – A and the A+.
Answers as to why only 20% met budget included (word for word):
Bad quotas
Lack of training and no company investment in people
Bad coaching
Not enough resources
More than 80% of customers don’t need the product
Bad hiring
Targets are set quarterly
Shitty product
Bad/lack of marketing and negative brand sentiment
Too much admin,