Welcome back to the new Modern Seller video series. Each week, I’m sharing strategies that you can put into practice as either a sales professional or sales leader. The series is a great companion to the book, The Modern Seller, which is available on Amazon and Audible. In previous videos, I covered sales agility, entrepreneurial selling, and social capital.
Today’s topic in The Modern Seller video series is client loyalty. It used to be that satisfaction was the highest measure of success, and it’s still what many companies measure. But in the new sales economy, satisfaction is merely table stakes.
Gallup has done research in this space and found that only 29% of our clients are truly engaged with us. Loyal.
That leaves up to 71 percent of clients that range anywhere from very satisfied to completely disengaged. These are the clients that can be swayed to move elsewhere…even the satisfied ones.
Modern Sellers are what I call Ambassadors. They’re