Is Your Sales Team Flabby?
Thu, 02/13/2020 – 16:52
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I recently watched an interview with Daniel Goleman, the social psychologist credited with bringing emotional intelligence out of the academic world and into the commercial one. He always shares great insights and one statement really struck me. To paraphrase Goleman, “Focus has become a very flabby muscle in our 24/7 connected world.”
Sales leaders may not realize that focus — or lack of — is related to achieving sales results. I contend it’s a bigger problem than most companies care to acknowledge.
Lack of focus impacts sales results in several areas of the sales process.
#1. Prospecting. Every sales guru touts the value of customizing prospecting outreaches and messages. But customization takes thinking, which requires focus. A salesperson doesn’t just magically create a great value proposition. It takes focus to really think