I’m not big on definitives. Interests change, opinions change, priorities change over time. But if there’s any constant in sales, it’s certain words and phrases that never work.
Do yourself a favor and do a search through your sales materials (email templates, call scripts, playbooks) and think carefully about whether these are working for you or against you.
Assigned: I continue to be surprised how many reps start their email by telling me they’ve been “assigned to my account.” Assignments are for school and detention, not for prospecting.
Touching Base: There may be no two-word phrase with less value embedded than this one. I’ve been guilty of using it in the past too, but it’s lazy. Even “following up” is better than this (don’t use that one either).
I Need: In fact, try to eliminate as many uses of the words “I” and “we” from your sales and marketing copy. Say “you” more often.