Someone once asked me if I was a feminist and I said ‘no’.
The look on their face was a combination of surprise and disbelief.
After all, it was at a women’s networking group.
So, I tried to explain my rationale, which was rather awkward and clearly didn’t cut the mustard, however, I believe my points are valid, albeit a little provocative to some.
Do I agree that women should get paid the same as men if they are doing the same job?Absolutely! Would I fight for that myself? Absolutely!
Then again there are men out there not getting paid the same as other men for doing the same job.
Do I agree that women should be protected from those men who are violent toward them in the home? Absolutely! Would I fight for my own safety? Absolutely!
Knowing there are more women than men who are being abused emotionally, mentally, sexually and physically, we can’t forget