When you prospect by referral, you treat all customers like gold.
I’d had it. I threw my three bananas, ketchup, and plastic mustard bottle on the counter and stomped out of the store. I’ve never had a good customer experience at that market, but this was over the top.
I was in the express checkout line at Safeway. Despite the 15-item limit, the man ahead of me had more than 20 items. There was some problem, so the cashier stopped everything and called for help. This was the EXPRESS line. I was now on a slow burn, so I ran over to the self-checkout line, figuring it would be faster. All the terminals were in use. That’s when I decided to get my bananas, ketchup, and mustard someplace else.
You undoubtedly have plenty of stories like this. We complain about consumer experiences all the time—the phone company that lies about your mobile phone