‘Will you slow down – you’re like bloody bull in a china shop’ he would yell at me as I sped through the hallway, flew past him on his favourite chair in the lounge and skidded around into the kitchen.
If I heard it once, I heard it a hundred times – ‘Does that girl have to rush everywhere?’
And there it was again on the tattered pages of my school report, ‘If Bernadette slowed down she might just…..’
How ironic is it therefore, that I am attracted to an approach to business that espouses the virtues of ‘slower’?
Slow is not the same as anti-fast…
because we will always do certain things fast – like outrun our competitor, work to reach a deadline or be first to grab the remote control.
It is more about giving ourselves permission to do business a little slower, or in some cases, do life a little