By Josh Baez, Client Engagement Manager at Heinz Marketing
What is an ideal customer profile?
Terminus says it best. “An ideal customer profile (ICP) is a description of the company—not the individual buyer or end user—that is a perfect fit for your solution.” You can think of your ICP as a framework that highlights the specific, relevant characteristics of your ideal buyers. In application, an ICP enables sales, marketing, and customer success to have a far more accurate, consistent approach in what they say and do. And this consistency in both who they engage and how they engage facilitates a far more frictionless experience for your customers.
Before you can get to work on any of your content, messaging, or campaign initiatives, you should first have a well-defined, agreed upon ideal customer profile.
What is an ideal customer profile not?
An ideal customer profile is not an exhaustive list of characteristics from every single company