If you think referrals don’t scale, you’re just doing it wrong.
Sales leaders often tell me that referral leads are their most qualified, most convertible leads. Then in the next breath, they tell me referral business doesn’t scale. Before I got really annoyed and was ready to blast them, I took a closer look at what scale means, anyway. Of course, there’s more than one definition.
There’s the noun scale (“a machine for weighing”), which comes from the Old Norse word meaning “bowl” or “scale of a balance.”
There’s the scale that means “one of many small thin plates that cover the bodies of some animals (such as fish or snakes).”
As for the scale that means “the size of something,” “a series of musical notes,” or “a range of numbers,” it comes from the Latin word scala that means “ladder” or “staircase.”
Scale is also used as a verb as a synonym of