An important advice for your sales trainings to have a lasting impact is: “Do not look at it as an event, but as a process” This process consist in essence of periodical reinforcements and refreshers of the taught materials after the initial event. Refreshers and reinforcements are to address our brain’s limitation to retain information.‘The forgetting curve’In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus published the results of experiments he performed on himself, trying to understand how long he could remember a list of 3 letter nonsense words of the structure: Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (e.g. BUP, TOV, RUI etc.). The graph, he plotted from this experiment, is known as Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve’ (see here) . Looking at the curve, mathematicians conclude that forgetting happens exponentially. Here is the formula describing the curve:R = e-t/s (R = Retention, e = Euler’s constant, t = time elapsed after initial learning, s = strength of memory)For the rest of