I had a blast with Jason Bay, kicking off the free “Think Outside the Script” prospecting training summer tour last week.It was great to have heard from so many sales pros who attended, saying they already changed the way they viewed, and placed their calls. One rep told me he got an appointment that afternoon–that he would not have set otherwise– by using one of the techniques.Jason prepared a cool summary of some of the points that you can click through here.
Here’s the entire replay of the session.
We covered,
-working WITH assistants, and exactly what to say to get them on our side.-handling the early “not interested”-the specific process for preparing for, and addressing, real objections (it’s not responding with the goofy objection rebuttal that so many are taught)-the Social Engineering process to get valuable, real-time sales intel-the Smart Calling process to use in voice mails and call openings to