How Much is Stress Costing Your Sales Organization?
Thu, 11/21/2019 – 11:34
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In a survey conducted by online career database PayScale, 73 percent of respondents in the sales profession rated their role as “highly stressful.” Stress can result in salespeople burning out and dropping out. Stressed-out salespeople experience anxiety, fatigue and depression, which affects their ability to execute at the highest level.
Effective sales management requires teaching your sales team stress-management skills.
Sales can be stressful because there are factors affecting a salesperson’s success, many of which are out of the salesperson’s control. For example:
Dave has been working on a large piece of new business, only to discover the company is being acquired. That sale he was expecting to close in the fourth quarter — not happening. Stress.
Juanita’s company is struggling to keep up with growth. Customers are bypassing customer