By Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing
“How I Work” is one of my favorite recurring features in Inc Magazine as well as via Lifehacker’s This Is How I Work Series.
We’ve had our own series for a few years now!
Every week we feature a new B2B sales, marketing or business leader here answering what have become the standard “How I Work” questions. You can catch up on everyone we’ve featured thus far in the “How I Work” series here.
This week I’m excited to feature Morgan Santapaola, event marketing manager for ZoomInfo. I literally have no idea how she gets so much done and stays so organized. That includes the Growth Acceleration Summit next month (join me there using HEINZFRIEND to register at 50% off!).
Here in her own words is how she gets stuff done.
Location: Boston, MA
Number of unread emails right now? About 5 – I am very on top of my inbox.
First app checked in the morning? I do not check