By Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing
For those who read our blog regularly (thank you!) you know each Thursday we feature B2B sales, marketing, and business leaders who tell in their own words, “How I Work”. It’s inspired by Inc Magazine as well as via Lifehacker’s This Is How I Work Series. We’ve had some amazing guest for the last few years. You can catch up on everyone we’ve featured thus far in the “How I Work” series here.
This week I’m happy to feature Brandon Redlinger, Director of Growth at Engagio. Brandon is a wicked smart marketer who covers a ton of ground across numerous marketing (and sales) channels. Here in his own words is how he gets stuff done.
Location: San Mate, CA
Number of unread emails right now? 28 unread, 35 total in my inbox.
First app checked in the morning? It’s usually LinkedIn. I actively avoid email and Slack because it puts me in reactive mode and ruins