This week we feature an article by Nogol Tardugno who tells us how to get our contact center interactive voice response (IVR) to deliver the best customer experience.
Any reports of the death of interactive voice response (IVR) as a customer service channel have been greatly exaggerated. In 2019 businesses continue to fund their IVR call solutions as statistics both formal and anecdotal continue to demonstrate the need. Forrester, for instance, has reported that nearly 40 percent of customer service interactions still take place over the phone.
You’ve heard by now of all the practical ways that today’s dynamic IVR can support your customer experience, including:
Providing simple self-service functions such as balance checking or order status without needing to talk to an agent
Offering faster, more convenient service at literally any time
But what about ways a cloud IVR could achieve the cliché and “delight” your customers — or, dare we say, even surprise