Here’s what you might have missed last month from No More Cold Calling.
Wondering how to get leads? Not just smoke-and-mirror leads, but only qualified leads? Every sales rep asks that question, and surveys of sales leaders confirm that getting leads in the pipeline is their top challenge. It has been for years. But why? Reps have KPIs for cold calling, sending emails, and making connections on social media. Obviously, if these cold calling tactics worked, reps would get leads in the pipe. Yet, the pipe remains empty, except for more cold leads that rarely, if ever, pan out. Big problem.
Sales leaders have forgotten about their most powerful prospecting tool to get leads without cold calling: referral selling. Referrals offer the biggest competitive advantage of any sales tool out there, and yet most teams aren’t using referral selling as the primary prospecting method.
That’s why I produced my referral course on LinkedIn