That bright, shiny object might be rustier than you think.
If you’re researching the latest and greatest sales trends, you just might fall victim to the bright-shiny-object syndrome. Trends mean nothing unless you include your buyer in your research. Just because certain sales prospecting techniques are all the rage, doesn’t mean they’re right for you or for your buyer.
Sales productivity tools are everywhere, but do they really enhance productivity? There’s technology to generate leads online, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, social media and document automation, and search engine optimization. Most of these are table stakes today, but unless sales prospecting techniques and technology actually help you prospect and close deals, they’re more distractions than assets.
So, how do you decide which tech trends are worth the money and your team’s precious prospecting time?
How to Evaluate Sales Prospecting Techniques and Technology
My advice? It’s pretty simple, really. Decide what your buyer cares about and choose