Does Your Executive Team Spend Enough Time in the Sales Laboratory?
Wed, 02/20/2019 – 11:23
I’ve been asked these questions numerous times:
Why do you still teach sales and sales management training courses?
Couldn’t you reduce your workload to just delivering sales keynotes, limiting your time to delivering a one-hour message — and then fly home?
And, why do you still run sales calls?
My thinking and answers are similar to those of Peter Drucker although I didn’t know it until I read an interview with best-selling author, Jim Collins. He once asked Drucker why he spent so much time working with companies. Drucker said, “That is the laboratory!”
After reading this interview, I realized spending time in the laboratory is the reason I still engage in selling, training and consulting. Without my sales laboratory experience, it would be very easy to develop and deliver content that is great in theory — but has no