Check out what you might have missed from No More Cold Calling this month:
[Video Overkill] Am I the Only One Who Would Rather Read?
Salespeople and content marketers, I don’t like watching your videos. I have to put my earbuds in, and that breaks my concentration. Video is not my learning style. I can read and get your point much faster than I can listen. The caption below your video is distracting to me as well. I will, however, read a well-crafted summary or transcript of your remarks. What happened to an omnichannel approach and focusing on the buyer? What happened to prioritizing customer experience? Every buyer has a preferred learning style. Cater only to one, and you’re SOL. (Read “[Video Overkill] Am I the Only One Who Would Rather Read?.”)
Let Freedom Ring: My Sentiments on July 4
Some of you know my sister and I travel together every year. This was our