Demystifying Remote Sales Management
Fri, 06/05/2020 – 09:22
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There is a lot of conversation about sales management, and some of it is sales leaders expressing their angst. “Do I have the skills needed to manage a virtual sales team? What do I need to change or improve to be effective with a team that is now remote?”
Sales managers, I have some good news.
Remote sales management has been around for a long time. Twentysomething years ago, I managed a remote sales team. We didn’t know to call it that.
We simply called it “people management.”
And with people management and sales management, there are some things that don’t change. I call them the “Three “C’s of Effective Sales Leadership”:
When you meet with your seller, you ask, “How are you?” And the answer you might hear is a drawn-out “I’m F—I—N—-E.” Now,