Where should you publish?
Your own blog? Someone else’s blog? LinkedIn? Or a different format entirely – webinar, podcast, video?
Is your objective fast impressions or more impressions?
On Wednesday I published (simultaneously on our own blog as well as on LinkedIn) a post about how B2B marketers should take a role in sales (early in their career or temporarily right now) to get better at marketing.
Forty-eight hours later, the blog post has been viewed 2,500 times and the LinkedIn update has been viewed 29,477 times.
Slam dunk answer right? Not necessarily.
The shelf life of a LinkedIn update is short. After three or four days, views will decrease significantly. On our blog, content will continue to generate traffic for months if not years.
That blog post with 2,500 views after two days could easily be over 50,000 views six months from now based on past performance of similar posts.
If you want immediate impact, post on