The biggest challenge facing most sales people and small
business owners is getting meetings with prospective clients.
Cold prospecting techniques get harder-and-harder every day.
Even cold techniques turbocharged with boatloads of technology get
harder-and-harder every day as everyone gets the technology and the arms race
for a better sales stack escalates.
What has not been fully utilized by everyone in business yet
are relationships.
Relationships got lost in the race to build tech stacks
(obviously my opinion.) Building networks of people that will help you get in
the door with prospective customers is going to be huge in the future of
business development as cold technique ROI continues to dive. (Think what’s
happening with GDPR and CCPA and extrapolate.)
Recruit your team
Here’s one network idea that you can use to help you get
more meetings with prospective customers: Build a team of partners that have
relationships with companies that look like the companies you serve.
Develop your relationships with other sales people or other
small business