Are You Training for Sales Excellence or Just “Trying” for Sales Excellence?
Mon, 12/31/2018 – 16:06
I recently read John Ortberg’s book, “The Life You’ve Always Wanted.” This is not a sales book, however, many of his thoughts and teachings align perfectly with what it takes to be excellent in sales. One of the key teachings from the book is:
“There is an immense difference between TRAINING to do something and TRYING to do something. You can’t run a marathon, even if you try really, really hard without training. You must arrange your life differently in order to train.”
Well said. I’ve seen way too many salespeople, including myself, trying to be good at sales. However, we haven’t rearranged our lives to actually train and become good at sales. Like an individual training for a marathon, salespeople must rearrange their lives, dedicate time, install new habits and decide to train in order